
Chunky Knitting

Hadn't knitted in a while...well, since I was first taught by my mother in my teens. Had to refresh my memory a little with youtube videos on how to cast onto a needle but was pleasantly surprised at how much I remembered without needing to watch videos - it was almost like riding a bike.


Chunky Knit II 

This was a gift to my dear and beloved friend, Pano, for his birthday.

He is a special person to me and is born on a special day; the 11th of the 11th!

Abstract from ScorpioMystique's blog (love her daily astrological posts; always spot on!)

"Scorpios born on November 11 Scorpios like to call the shots, but not often for selfish reasons. They are talented at understanding which systems are flawed or broken, and knowing what to put in place to make it better. The same goes for improving the lives of those they love. November 11 possess a good heart, and this makes them naturally inclined to do all they can to help those around them succeed. In this sense, November 11 Scorpios are the type of friends to cheer you up, even if they themselves are down."

Definitely describes him and the type of friend he is. From the start of our friendship he was there to lift me up when I felt hopeless and broken. We met in London where we both lived at the time but he has recently moved to New York. He is happy there and so I am happy for him despite missing him so much. I look forward to his summer holidays in Greece so that we can catch up and have a few laughs!

I wanted his present to be as special as he is and to include his special Angel numbers. So I used a macrame type technique to create 11/ 11 on a chunky scarf I knit for him. 

I think he looks stunning in it and he said he lurvs it so I was overall pleased with my project!