Crochet Your Own Necklace Workshop
Saturday 5th May 2018, my very first workshop. Been building up to this moment for the last three months to say the very least. Back in December, I organised a Christmas wreath workshop. The venue was lovely and supportive but the people of Dartford were just not interested! Lesson learned: Know your audience.
This time I followed my good friend's, Isabella, of, guide to PLANNING YOUR FIRST WORKSHOP. This time I was determined to make it a success.
I made an effort to plan ahead. This means that I put in a lot of effort to not run around last minute like a headless chicken. I booked the venue 3 months in advance. I advertised in advance online and via posters. I got materials and ordered my hooks in advance. Finally, I carved my H-art stamp and block printed the fabric for my goodie bags. I then sewed them into drawstring pouches with the help of my mother.
I was ready.
All that was left was printing a flyer to put up in the venue for the upcoming Macrame wall hanging workshops. You see, I have now got a hang of this planning in advance - or so I thought.
Saturday morning arrived, my bags were packed the night before and I have woken up at 5.55am (another angel sign but that's a whole other post). Healthy breakie, dressed and now to print that flyer.
Well, it just was not happening! First, it would print it small in the top left-hand corner of the page, then it would say the ink is running out, then it kept telling me to load paper and then it kept telling me to adjust the thickness...
A five-minute job was turning into a nightmare! Now I was stressed, then angry, then yelling, then in tears and finally late! I could not believe it. All that planning and I thought I had it all under control but no. In a moment it can all change and you can feel the most helpless you have ever felt. And don't get me wrong, I am aware now that this is catastrophising at it's best, but try telling me that at that moment.
I eventually set off without my flyers in tears. We arrived on time and I managed to calm down and gain perspective. You see the truth is, I didn't even have to have this workshop flyer on that day. It would have been convenient but it was not essential. But my mind was so stuck on the way I wanted things to be that at the moment I was unable to adjust. My mind had locked into the idea I had of how it should be. I was incapable of looking for solutions. I was stuck in the problem.
Lesson learned: It's great to have a plan but remember that life will happen on life's terms. And when it does, there is absolutely nothing that you can do to change that. The only thing you can do is change your attitude.
The workshop was a success. Everyone was engaged in the moment while learning a new craft. They were concentrating and creating altogether while having fun. Below are some photos of all the crocheting that took place and all the ladies who came were amazing. The workshop sold out this time. Most people were friends and some family, and some friends of friends. I am grateful for their support and love.
It was the best first workshop I could have ever hoped for and I look forward to many more. This is definitely what I want to be doing and I am so glad I am giving it a go.